
The Latest News on Climate Change

This coming Tuesday, the 22nd of October, Kirsten Halsnæs will speak on The Latest News on Climate Change at Byens Lys

Kirsten Halsnæs, Professor in Climate and Economics at DTU and a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), will discuss the science and politics of climate change and bring us the latest updates on what governments and the private sector are doing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Is the 25-year old IPCC, due to release its next report on mitigating climate change this coming April, still relevant? What policy choices can help to fertilise green development? How can new forms of international climate change collaboration be established? Kirsten Halsnæs will attempt to answer these questions and provide her unique insight into the challenges ahead, as we approach the next big round of climate negotiations in 2015.

Afterwards, chilled cocktails and Moon Relay, playing noise rock. The music is repetitive and strict but at the same time free and open, it is both dancy and skronky freeform.

Entrance to the event is free. No registration is necessary. Doors open at 19:00.

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Kind Regards,

Jácome Armas

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