Workshop Program
Autumn 2017
The program is not final – we still need confirmation or dates from some of the speakers. Blue may change (but not subject or teacher), black is (hopefully..) final.
Wed 4 Oct 16-20 KEA (4)
Knud: Welcome etc (0.15)
Knud: Demo of practical light setting for an interview (1)
Knud: Basics of light (2)
Sergiu: Composition (1)
(Oct 9, 7 PM: Open invitation – Not part of the course, but you are welcome. We are filming a presentation and a short interview at Christianshavns Library about archaeology. We will set some light and shoot with 2-3 cameras).
Wed 11 Oct 16-20 KEA (4)
Knud: Basics of sound (2.0)
Knud: Demo of sound recording for interview (0.5)
Eduard: General Talk about Sound (1)
Knud: introduction to live broadcast on Nov 12 (0.5)
Production night: Friday 13 Oct 18-24, Start: Strandgade 54, basement (4)
Culture Night at Holmen:
1. Rythmic music conservatory
2. School of Architecture
3. The State’s workshops for art
Wed 18 Oct 16-20 KEA (4)
Mads: How realistic are documentaries? (2)
Knud: editing and follow-up on production of introductions for the direct broadcast (2)
Wed 25 Oct KEA 16-20 (2)
Jens: Camera Technology, Video cameras vs DSLR, bitrates, sensors ..
Production preparation: Tuesday 31 Oct Koncertkirken, Nørrebro 16-18 or so (2)
Preparations for concert on the next day.
Procution night Wed 1 Nov 18-22 Koncertkirken, Nørrebro (3)
Classical concert. We will set light and do a multicam recording with stereo sound
Wed 8 Nov 16-20 Litecom, Vermundsgade 40D (Basement) (4)
Rasmus Bremer: Light setting I
Live production Sun Nov 12, 12-24 Christianshavns Idrætsklub, Bådsmandsstræde 20 (4)
Live Broadcast 21-22 in collaboration with Christiania TV
Wed Nov 15 16-20 Litecom, Vermundsgade 40D (Basement) (4)
Rasmus Bremer: Light setting 2
Wed Nov 22 16-20 KEA (4)
Jesper: Nature of sound, recording multi-track, processing (2)
Wed Nov 29, 16-18 Christianshavn (3)
Susanne Lund: Legal aspects of video production: Where can I film?, copyright, licencies..
Then: Food & visit to Christiania TV
CA TV / Christianshavns Kvarter
Knud Josefsen, who is the course manager, founded the Christianshavn Quarter and produced 400-500 news clips to the channel. The Christianshavn Quarter, along with Christiania TV, holds a broadcast permit with the Channel Capital which broadcasts their footage at Sundays at 9 PM and Fridays at 11 PM (as well as some other crazy times).
Mads Gudiksen
Mads Gudiksen is hosting a program at TV Øst in Vordingborg, where he is responsible for producing 2 hours of TV per week. That is a crazy amount of TV for one person (in fact two – he has a camera man as well..), so people go there to see how he does that! He has a feature program on the channel that vistits places in the region.
Susanne Lund
Film director from the Copenhagen Film School, Bachelor of Media Studies KU. TV producer, trained and employed for 12 years in DR. Assistant professor at the Copenhagen Academy of Business since 2001. Teaches video production, media sociology, science theory, dramaturgy. In addition, she holds an exam in media law from Media Science, KU.
Rasmus Bremer Sørensen
Head of Litecom. Litecom is one of Denmark’s largest lighting companies for television, perhaps the largest. Litecom provides lighting design to all Danish TV channels, film recordings, festivals, etc. Was responsible for lighting for last 3 years’ Eurovision Song Contest, the biggest TV productions in Europe.
Jesper Andersen
Associate Professor, Head of sound engineers’ education, Distance Learning, The Royal Danish Conservatory of Music.
Eduard Anautu
Educated multimedia designer from KEA, now a student at the Rhythmic Music Conservatory, music production. Active musician and composer. Has played at festivals in Denmark and abroad.
Sergiu Leustean
Photographer in Copenhagen. Educated multimedia designer from KEA. Photographs primarily still photos.
Jens Ingevall
Former long-term video specialist with Sony Denmark. Headed the education of Film and TV Production School in Copenhagen, still actively teaching camera technology.
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